2006 Bell Reunion
Craggie Hope,TN
visiting the TaylorTown Cemetary Dickson,TN
Thomas Roscoe Bell & Evie Ella Bratton Bell graves TaylorTown Cemetary, Dickson,TN
Bell Plaque inside Church
Interior of Methodist Church
Thomas, Lucy, Ruth, Larry & Bobby Perigo children of Moilee Ella Bell & Arthur Franklin Perigo
Betty Bell Allen, son Larry Bell & wife & children
cousins: Myra Finch Williams, Jay Swafford & Marie Bell Allbert
Jewell & Myrtle Bell, daughters of Thomas Roscoe & Evie Ella Bell
Myrtle & Jewell Bell talk with grandaughter
Myra enjoys the conversation
Desserts anyone? who's in line?
Bobby Perigo Thomas Perigo Jerry Ray Perigo
Lucy Perigo Swafford Jackie Swafford Jackson